Ground floor

Haut-Koenigsbourg castle seen from the East
Haut-Koenigsbourg castle seen from the East

The living quarters and keep

The castle domain follows the shape of the rocky outcrop on which it is built: its outer walls surround an area which is approximately 270 m long and 40 m wide.
The castle walls shelter the living quarters and the keep. Enter via the lower courtyard, where you can visit the inn, fountain and forge. Climb the flight of steps leading to the drawbridge; then discover the inner courtyard. Here, a hexagonal stairway, restored in the early 20th century, leads to the upper floors and living quarters.

The grand bastion

On the western side of the site, cross the upper garden to a second drawbridge. Now you can enter the grand bastion, a medieval defensive building flanked by two towers. Take the time to climb their staircases, and enjoy the exceptional view of the Alsace plain and the Vosges Mountains.
